List sv.Pia z Pietralciny viz.Conchite (3.3.1962)

23.07.2016 23:44


List sv.Pia Conchite (2.3.1962) str.11 (foto)
They do not believe in you or in your conversations with the Lady in White. BUT THEY WILL BELIEVE YOU WHEN IT WILL BE TOO LATE"
"Oni vam neveria alebo vašim rozhovorom s Pani v bielom. Ale budú vám veriť, ked to bude príliš neskoro "…/padre_pio.pdf


"Moje drahé deti,
V deväť hodín ráno mi
Bohorodička povedala, aby som vam to povedal:
" O, Blažené mladé dievčatá zo San Sebastian de Garabandal. Sľubujem vám, že budem s vami až do konca storočia a budete so Mnou až do konca sveta a neskôr sa so mnou spojite v sláve Raja.
"My Dear Children,
At nine o'clock this morning the Holy Virgin told me to say to you: 'O Blessed young girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal! I promise you that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with Me during the end of the world and later, united with Me in the Glory of Paradise.'